PlanBeyond PlanBeyond



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最近的 第六次评估报告 from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) leaves no doubt that “human influence is the principal driver of many changes observed across the atmosphere, 海洋, 冰冻圈和生物圈.”

近4岁,000页的报告, 由全球195个政府签署, 发人深省的结论是我们的自然环境发生了许多可观察到的变化吗, 由于过去和未来的排放, 是不可逆转的. 但报告也提出了积极的行动.

好消息是? 作为一个全球化的社会,我们仍然有机会应对这一前所未有的挑战, multi-generational challenge if we — and we must — take immediate and sustained actions to harness the political, 经济, 社会, 向净零排放经济过渡所需的技术和自然资源.


在雅各布, 作为一家以目标为导向的公司,我们在这场全球转型中处于领先地位, 我们要发挥关键作用. 我们释放了 首页 on Earth Day 2020 with two main commitments: 1) achieve 100% renewable energy for our operations each year, 2)从2020年开始,在我们的运营和商务旅行中实现净零碳排放, 计划到2030年实现碳负排放. 和, 作为我们承诺的透明度和问责制的一部分, 我们正在报告我们的进展 环境、社会及管治(ESG)报告.

同时完成2020年的目标, 我们以科学为基础, 我们直接和间接排放的碳减排目标, 哪些已经被批准了 科学减排倡议. 正规博彩十大网站排名 is also playing a leadership role in our industry as we help shape and develop the new standards to accelerate sustainability. We joined the World Economic Forum – Alliance of 首席执行官 Climate Leaders and the UN Global Compact’s Chief Financial Officer Taskforce for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

最后,跨越我们的内部和外部业务运营是 PlanBeyond℠2.0, 我们全新的可持续发展策略, which focuses on fully integrating sustainability into everything we do — both in our operations and in the solutions we create for our clients — in alignment with the United Nations SDGs.


考虑到我们的业务性质, we know that 正规博彩十大网站排名’ greatest opportunity to positively address climate change comes from the resilient and sustainable solutions we deliver in partnership with our clients: helping them transition from fossil fuel to clean energy; decarbonizing the transport and manufacturing sectors; addressing water scarcity and biodiversity loss; designing waste and pollution solutions underpinned by regenerative, nature-inspired circular economy principles; building long-term resilience into city and municipality infrastructure assets; providing critical support in response and recovery efforts in the wake of extreme weather and climate events; and improving the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities throughout the world. 我邀请你们来探讨这些挑战,以及我们的思想领袖是如何用洞察力解决这些挑战的, 在这期的《首页》中.

我们在雅各布斯的目的是创造一个更紧密联系的, sustainable world — shaping solutions for a future that incorporates sustainable principles as essential to the well-being of all people and our planet — and in the process, enabling all generations to believe in the reality of a resilient future where we thrive in harmony with our planet.


“在雅各布斯, we recognize the critical role we play – both in how we operate our business and in the climate action, decarbonization and sustainability solutions we implement in partnership with our clients to – benefit people and the planet.”





代际挑战 我们是要主动还是被动? 

应对全球能源转型 它在脱碳的未来中发挥着关键作用.

舰队绿化 减少全球运输部门的排放是当务之急.

废水-能源关系 水资源恢复设施如何支持气候适应战略.

蓝色碳 大自然的援手.

通往低碳计算之路 为美国利用数字现代化.S. 军事计算的未来.

你准备好零净值了吗? 从我们最伟大的头脑中汲取灵感,探索实现净零准备的实际途径.

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