


Tyndall Ariel Rendering1

2018年10月, Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB) was hit with a Category 5 hurricane which resulted in damage to 100% of its assets. 结果是, 他们已经开始了一项重建计划,重点是创造一个有弹性的城市, sustainable and smart Installation of the Future that leverages innovative solutions in a “system of systems” approach to perform at the nexus of mission assurance, 成本效率, 以及社会和环境的可持续性.

雅各布斯团队于2019年3月加入了应急响应工作, 以各种方式支持这个项目, 包括对沿海复原力的关注.  A significant component of ensuring the future resilience of the base is addressing the risks that arise from coastal flooding and erosion. 作为方法的一部分,廷德尔空军基地重建小组正在探索一系列 试点项目 that use nature-based solutions to reduce coastal flood risks while creating important social and environmental benefits.

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“The 正规博彩十大网站排名 team really brought the best experts to consider ways to help nature heal itself along the coastline of Tyndall AFB, to include the barrier island areas as well as the tidal flats 和沼泽 of the East Bay on the north side of the installation. 他们的贡献是基于事实、科学和逻辑的. The team has provided valuable expertise that has helped the Air Force team capture the attention of a number of governmental and private entities who could serve as great teaming partners to explore these 试点项目.”




由于其沿海位置, 廷德尔空军基地容易受到可能产生大风的极端天气的影响, 大量的降雨, 以及墨西哥湾的风暴潮. Storm surges can generate high water levels capable of inundating low-lying parts of the base on both East Bay and the Gulf side. 随着海平面的上升,这些风险预计会随着时间的推移而增加. There are a few strategies for managing coastal flood risk – making infrastructure resilient to flooding, 把首页转移到安全的地方, 抬高建筑物,使其不受损坏, 建造防御工事来阻挡海水.

Coastal defenses can take many forms; in most cases, 这些系统包括墙和堤防等传统结构, 以及一系列以自然为基础的方式,比如海滩, 沙丘, 和沼泽. 自然的解决方案, 其中许多已经使用了几十年(如海滩翻新)。, 特别有吸引力,因为它们可以更便宜吗, be self-maintaining and offer a range of co-benefits associated with nature habitats (like habitat for threatened and endangered species, 以及娱乐用途). 自然的解决方案 can be used alone or in combination with other approaches to provide multiple lines of defense against storms.

Coastal installations face a range of risks due to extreme weather, sea level rise and storm surge. 正规博彩十大网站排名 and the 紧急 response team helped Tyndall AFB develop their approach to pursue coastal resilience using innovative planning, 工程和伙伴关系. 这种方法协调了UFC要求和各种气候变化, 复原力和适应指令转化为支持任务保证的连贯方法, 追求成本效益和成为弹性企业的目标, 可持续和智能的未来装置. 一个关键的焦点将包括整合灰色的“系统的系统”方法, 绿色, and natural infrastructure to increase resilience while creating locally relevant 分享d social, 环境和经济效益.