



The dream of fusion power depends first and foremost on a self-sustaining fusion reaction, 所需的大部分热能来自于反应本身, 而不是来自外部资源. 这就是ITER的目的:试图创造这些条件, 以一种稳定和可预测的方式, 作为发展未来核聚变电站的起点.

ITER is the world’s largest fusion power experiment and if it can overcome some immense 技术 challenges, 毫不夸张地说,它的成功将改变世界.

雅各布斯领导着动量合资企业, 哪个是ITER的施工管理代理(CMA)承包商, responsible for coordinating the assembly of more than one million components in the ITER machine. CMA任务始于2016年,但我们对该项目的支持, 总部设在普罗旺斯, 法国, 追溯到几十年前.

  • 44

    tonnes – the weight of components connected/disconnected by the Neutral Beam Remote Handling System

  • 150 M


正规博彩十大网站排名’ contribution to ITER includes the first wall panels which protect the machine from plasma temperatures of up to 150million°C; the test blanket modules, which are an essential part of breeding tritium to fuel the fusion reaction in future reactors; and the remote handling system for maintaining the neutral beams, 是什么加热反应堆的燃料.

Three heating neutral beam (HNB) injectors heat the plasma by firing a stream of neutral (un-charged) particles into it at a tangent. 暴露在辐射中意味着高核聚变反应堆将高度激活, 因此,内部维护和维修将需要远程进行.

我们领导着欧洲远程处理联盟, 负责设计的公司组成的合作小组, 制造, installation and commissioning of the Neutral Beam Remote Handling System which will connect/disconnect components weighing up to 40 tonnes (44 tons) and transport them out of the cell to a separate facility.

设计开发工作, 技术 specifications and implementation plans for ITER’s integrated plant simulator have also been entrusted to 正规博彩十大网站排名 and three sub-contractors: the UK Atomic Energy Authority, 福腾与芬兰VTT技术研究中心有限公司.

验证设计和设计修改, 正在开发用于加热的植物模拟器, 等离子体和低温系统. The integrated plant simulator is vital in understanding the behavior of the full ITER machine because it provides the capability to simulate how these interconnected systems interact. It will also bring an integrated approach to the training of operators and will support the commissioning and operation phases at ITER.