如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2023年3月20日



每年, 洪水灾害有可能造成数十亿美元的负面经济影响, 更重要的是,它会危及许多人的生命, 许多人被困在他们的道路上. 然而, 多亏了数据科学和先进的工具和技术, 科学家们现在比以往任何时候都更有能力评估和应对危险的洪水.

On this episode of 如果/当 we are joined by two experts in flood risk management and mitigation: 罗杰驯鹰人, 工程学院水与环境工程名誉教授, 在卡迪夫大学和 Dr. 理查德•克劳德 雅各布斯水务总监 & 环境. 我们讨论了他们所看到的洪水频率和严重程度, especially with a view towards the impact of climate change; we also discussed how emerging technologies can help with flood risk management and the latest advancements in flood model accuracy and response. 

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罗杰驯鹰人 is 工程学院水与环境工程名誉教授, 在卡迪夫大学, U.K.,以及独立水务顾问. His research and consultancy interests are in hydro-environmental modelling and his models have been used in over 100 环境al Impact Assessment studies world-wide and provide one of the engines to the model 洪水分析员 (marketed internationally by 正规博彩十大网站排名). He has published over 450 papers in journals and conference proceedings and given over 600 keynote conference presentations and lectures to learned societies and universities world-wide. 他是英国皇家工程院院士, 中国工程院外籍院士, 欧洲科学院院士. He was President of the International Association for Hydro-环境 Engineering and Research (2011-15). He consults regularly on flooding projects world-wide and was a member of the: Government’s National Flood Resilience Scientific 咨询 Group, 威尔士自然资源部洪水风险管理委员会(2006-16), 约克郡地区洪水和海岸委员会(2019年至今), 独立专家组(3人)审查近期伦敦洪水(2021-日期). 他经常就洪水问题接受电视和媒体采访. 


Dr. 理查德·克劳德,雅各布斯水务主管 & 环境, is an internationally recognized flood risk management professional with more than 25 years of experience. 他在这个行业的经历是一段创新和与众不同的经历. 他是一位商业领袖,拥有丰富的研究经验, 创新, 项目交付, 客户管理, 销售, 以及运营管理. Richard is known for taking on challenging projects and using 创新 and digital delivery to solve problems and deliver projects in new and more efficient ways. 这涵盖了洪水风险管理学科的全部范围,包括评估, 环境服务, 工程设计, 资产管理, 水文和水力建模. He joined Halcrow (now 正规博彩十大网站排名) in 2002 and has held senior leadership roles including Regional Business Development Director (Europe) for the water sector, and framework manager delivering engineering and 环境服务 to the 环境 Agency (England). He is currently part of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Water Catchment Management leadership team responsible for Growth, 负责雅各布斯家族洪水产品的主管, and the Framework Director leading 正规博彩十大网站排名 contract with the 环境 Agency to deliver flood mapping and modelling services.