
Meet Christopher 艾伦


30多年来,克里斯·艾伦一直是可持续发展领域的领导者, 为我们的客户和世界提供环保和经济的解决方案, 将社会和生态价值融入每一个项目.

他与合作伙伴和客户合作,共同创造和调整创新技术, 实践, and business models to deliver economic, environmental, 并通过高性能的可持续/再生解决方案带来社会效益.

  • 34

    years in the sustainability field

  • 54

    countries visited

  • 3.8 B

    years of evolution in his design library

  • 46

    years as a certified SCUBA diver

  • 75 +


作为仿生学的早期创新者,克里斯直接与非营利组织合作 生物仿生 Institute, “promoting the transfer of ideas, 设计, 以及从生物学到可持续设计系统的策略,” and from 2010 to 2014, served as CEO of 生物仿生 3.8他是战略咨询公司,也是正规博彩十大网站排名的合作伙伴,致力于推广可持续工程解决方案.

Chris began his career on a UNESCO project called Man and the Biosphere, which introduced him to land use planning, 生态, resource economics, marine biology, 地理信息系统, and other aspects of sustainability. He took these lessons forward, 进入最新可持续发展技术的最前沿.

在雅各布斯,他担任雅各布斯与生物仿生 3合作伙伴关系的联络人.8, 为符合生态的再生发展设计和发展, 促进可持续首页的高性能解决方案. 他一直是催化海岸恢复计划不可或缺的 Tyndall AFB “Installation of the Future,” acting as project lead and author of, “工程与自然®支持任务弹性和首页价值的国防部设施,这是USACE对其他希望将自然解决方案纳入其弹性规划的国防部设施的参考.

Chris拥有德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的国际商务工商管理硕士学位 Certified 生物仿生 Professional. He is a member of the International Living Future Institute, World Ocean Council, Society for Ecological Restoration,和 生物仿生 Professional Network. His work has been featured in Fast Company, Crain Business Journal, Management 创新 Exchange, and other outlets.

“可持续发展和韧性专业人士必须带来强有力的新方法,帮助解决日益加速的气候变化挑战. 生物仿生, Nature Positive Design, 和工程与自然都证明了应用生态智能是如何创造持久的, effective solutions. 我喜欢这项工作,因为它开启了基于3的创新之路.80亿年的进化设计才成功!”

Chris 艾伦

Christopher L. 艾伦


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